
Skyhawk Therapeutics Named Top 11 Biotech Startup 2020 by Endpoints News

October 1, 2020

By John Carroll, Editor & Founder of Endpoints News

“I chose companies that are swinging for the fences, with teams directing these projects that have the talent, vigor and know how to make it happen. With a pandemic raging, I’m focusing on culture rather than particular assets,” said Carroll. “The Endpoints 11 is a list of companies with a shot at widespread recognition for success — or make a hell of a noise if they fail.”

The 2020 Endpoints 11 winners are:

  • Encoded Therapeutics
  • insitro
  • Kronos Bio
  • Lyell Immunopharma
  • Orca Bio
  • Sana Biotechnology
  • Skyhawk Therapeutics
  • Sonoma Biotherapeutics
  • Tessera Therapeutics
  • Tmunity Therapeutics
  • Verve Therapeutics


Full news article can be found here.